; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; :Author: Paulo Penteado (pp.penteado@gmail.com), Feb/2010 ;- ;+ ; :Description: ; Examples to test and illustrate the different behaviors of pp_convol. ; ; Makes up a high resolution spectrum and convolves it to lower resolutions. ; ; :Params: ; width : in, optional, default=0.04 ; The width for the convolution kernels. ; ; :Examples: ; Convolve spectra to different resolutions:: ; ; .com pp_convol ;pp_convol_test is in pp_convol.pro, so it will not be found by itself ; pp_convol_test,0.04 ; pp_convol_test,0.02 ; ; .. image:: pp_convol_test_1.png ; .. image:: pp_convol_test_2.png ; ; :Uses: pp_resample,pp_integral ; ; :Author: Paulo Penteado (pp.penteado@gmail.com), Feb/2010 ;- pro pp_convol_test,width ;Example and test case for pp_convol compile_opt idl2 ;Defaults width=n_elements(width) eq 1 ? width : 0.04 ;Make up a high resolution spectrum and plot it nx=1001 x=dindgen(nx)/(nx-1d0) noise=0.005 y=1d0+randomu(seed,nx,/normal)*noise nlines=30 df=0.7d0 depths=(randomu(seed,nlines)-0.5d0)*df wf=0.025 widths=randomu(seed,nlines)*wf centers=randomu(seed,nlines) for i=0,nlines-1 do y+=depths[i]*exp(-((x-centers[i])/widths[i])^2) iplot,x,y,name='Original spectrum',/insert_legend,$ title='Original at '+strtrim(string(x[1]-x[0]),2)+', convolved to '+strtrim(string(width),2) ;Convolve with Gaussians at lower resolution yc0=pp_convol(y,x,/gaussian,width=width,/local) iplot,x,yc0,/over,color=[255,0,0],name='Gaussian (literal)',/insert_legend yc0=pp_convol(y,x,/gaussian,width=width) iplot,x,yc0,/over,color=[0,0,255],name='Gaussian (sampled)',/insert_legend yc0=pp_convol(y,x,/step,width=width,/local) ;Convolve with rectangular kernels at lower resolution iplot,x,yc0,/over,color=[0,255,0],name='Step (literal)',/insert_legend yc0=pp_convol(y,x,/step,width=width) iplot,x,yc0,/over,color=[255,0,255],name='Step (sampled)',/insert_legend end ;+ ; :Description: ; Convolves the provided y(x) function with either a rectangular or Gaussian ; kernel of the given width, or the provided arbitrary kernel (not yet implemented). ; ; The x grid does not need to be regular, and, contrary to common practice, no resampling ; is done to a regular grid to calculate the convolution (resampling is not needed). Also ; contrary to common practice, for rectangular or Gaussian kernels the integral is done ; analytically, not numerically. In the case of a Gaussian kernel, it extends from the Gaussian ; center up to the point where the terms in the integral become 0 (at double precision). ; ; Also, this routine allows for both literal and sampled interpretations of the input function (set ; with the local keyword). ; ; :Returns: ; The result of the convultion is given for the same x locations as the input, ; there is no automatic resampling. If resampling is intended after the convolution, ; pp_resampled is recommended, as it preserves the areas. ; ; :Params: ; x : in, required ; An array of locations where the function is sampled. Must be ordered (increasing or decreasing). ; y : in, required ; An array with the function values corresponding to the locations in x. ; ; :Keywords: ; step : in, optional, default=1 ; If set, the convolution kernel is a rectangular function of the given width. ; gaussian : in, optional, default=0 ; If set, the convolution kernel is a Gaussian, of fwhm of the given width. ; width : in, required ; The width of the convolution kernel (for step or gaussian). ; grid_tolerance : in, optional,default=1d-6 ; Not yet implemented. Specifies the maximum fractional variation in the input grid to accept it as uniform. ; ; If the input grid is found to be uniform, the integration can be done faster. ; kernelx : in, optional ; Not yet implemented. An array of the x locations (centered at x=0) of the arbitrary convolution kernel to use. ; ; Must be ordered in increasing x. ; kernely : in, optional ; Not yet implemented. An array of the the arbitrary convolution kernel's values to use. ; Must make a function of unit area. ; local : in, optional, default=0 ; If not set, the y values are interpreted as a measured sample, that is, as the average of the "flux" falling inside the region ; centered at the corresponding x values: x locations are interpreted as the centers of bins. Since this interpretation is equivalent ; to a literal interpretation of a function made of rectangular regions, in this method there are no interpolations (partial areas, if ; any, are just the corresponding fractions of the rectangles). ; ; If set, interprets the input function literally. ; newton : in, optional, default=0 ; Passed on to pp_integral. If local is set and newton is set, the function integrations are done with int_tabulated, which ; uses a 5 point Newton-Cotes formula. If local is not set, this has no effect. ; lsquadratic : in, optional, default=0 ; Passed on to pp_integral. If the method requires interpolation, this is passed on to interpol, ; to select 4 point quadratic interpolation. ; ; If none of lsquadratic, quadratic and spline are set, interpolation is linear. ; quadratic : in, optional, default=0 ; Passed on to pp_integral. If the method requires interpolation, this is passed on to interpol, ; to select 3 point quadratic interpolation. ; ; If none of lsquadratic, quadratic and spline are set, interpolation is linear. ; spline : in, optional, default=0 ; Passed on to pp_integral. If the method requires interpolation, this is passed on to interpol, ; to select spline interpolation. ; ; If none of lsquadratic, quadratic and spline are set, interpolation is linear. ; xinc : out, optional ; Returns the x values, in increasing order. ; yinc : out, optional ; Returns the y values, in order of increasing x. ; xstart : out, optional ; If local is not set, returns the location where each input pixel starts. If local is set, this is ignored. ; xend : out, optional ; If local is not set, returns the location where each input pixel ends. If local is set, this is ignored. ; xbox : out, optional ; Used when not in local mode, to return the input x values in pairs of equal values, so that ; plotting xbox,ybox shows the rectangles that are how the input values were interpreted. ; ybox : out, optional ; Used when not in local mode, to return the input y values in pairs of equal values, so that ; plotting xbox,ybox shows the rectangles that are how the input values were interpreted. ; ; :Examples: ; ; Make a well-sampled input function y(x) with fwhm=1:: ; ; x=(12d0*dindgen(1001)/1d3)-6d0 ; y=exp(-(x^2*4d0*alog(2d0)))*8d0 ; iplot,x,y,/isotropic,name='Original function of fwhm=1',/insert_legend,thick=2. ; ; Do the convolution and look at the results:: ; ; yc1=pp_convol(y,x,/step,width=4d0) ; iplot,x,yc1,/over,color=[255,0,0],name='Convolution width=4, rectangular kernel (sampled)',/insert_legend ; yc2=pp_convol(y,x,/step,/local,width=4d0) ; iplot,x,yc2,/over,color=[0,0,255],name='Convolution width=4, rectangular kernel (literal)',/insert_legend ; yc3=pp_convol(y,x,/gaussian,width=4d0) ; iplot,x,yc3,/over,color=[0,255,0],name='Convolution width=4, Gaussian kernel (sampled)',/insert_legend ; yc4=pp_convol(y,x,/gaussian,width=4d0,/local) ; iplot,x,yc4,/over,color=[255,0,255],name='Convolution width=4, Gaussian kernel (literal)',/insert_legend ; ; .. image:: pp_convol.png ; ; See also the example in pp_convol_test, for a comparison of the methods with a more realistic (spectrum-like) function. ; ; :Todo: Implement arbitrary kernel, grid_tolerance, and quadratic and cubic Gaussian integrations. ; ; :Uses: pp_resample,pp_integral ; ; :Author: Paulo Penteado (pp.penteado@gmail.com), Feb/2010 ;- function pp_convol,y,x,step=step,gaussian=gaus,width=width,grid_tolerance=gtol,$ kernelx=kx,kernely=ky,$ local=local,newton=newton,$ lsquadratic=lsquadratic,quadratic=quadratic,spline=spline,$ xinc=ix,yinc=iy,xstart=xstart,xend=xend,xbox=xbox,ybox=ybox compile_opt idl2 ;Defaults local=n_elements(local) eq 1 ? local : 0 step=n_elements(step) eq 1 ? step : 1 gaus=n_elements(gaus) eq 1 ? gaus : 0 nkx=n_elements(kx) & nky=n_elements(ky) usekernel=((nkx eq nky) && (nkx gt 0L)) ? 1 : 0 if (gaus) then begin step=0 usekernel=0 endif if (usekernel) then begin step=0 gaus=0 endif gtol=n_elements(gtol) eq 1 ? gtol : 1d-6 ;Check that the dimensions of x and y match and are acceptable nx=n_elements(x) & ny=n_elements(y) if (nx ne ny) || (nx eq 0) then message,'x and y provided must be arrays of the same length' ;Make ix and iy to work with, 1D and in increasing order (x is assumed sorted, but can be increasing or decreasing order) if (x[nx-1] lt x[0]) then begin ix=reverse(reform(x)) & iy=reverse(reform(y)) endif else begin ix=reform(x) & iy=reform(y) endelse ;Determine whether the input grid is regular dmax=max(ix[1:*]-ix[0:nx-2],/abs,min=dmin) regular=((dmax-dmin)/dmin le gtol) if (step) then begin ;Use a constant function as the kernel ;Calculate the locations of the start and end of the interval that will go into each output point xmin=x-width/2d0 xmax=x+width/2d0 ;Calculate the input function's integral over the proper regions areas=pp_integral(x,y,xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,newton=newton,local=local,$ lsquadratic=lsquadratic,quadratic=quadratic,spline=spline) ret=areas/width endif if (gaus) then begin ;Use a Gaussian function as the kernel maxwid1=27.3d0 ;In double precision, exp(-x^2) underflows between x=27.29d0 and x=27.3d0 maxwid0=8.27d0 ;In double precision, gauss_pdf(x) saturates (becomes 1d0) between x=8.26d0 and x=8.27d0 ;maxwid0=5.888d0 ;In double precision, erf(x) saturates (becomes 1d0) between x=5.8870 and x=5.888d0 a=width^2/(4d0*alog(2d0)) ;The constant that will go into the exponential (exp(-x^2/a)) g=1d0/sqrt(a*!dpi) ;Constant that multiplies the exponential in the Gaussian (g*exp(-x^2/a)) wid0=sqrt(a/2d0)*maxwid0 wid1=sqrt(a/2d0)*maxwid1 ;Calculate the integral ;This is not numerical integration: it is analytical integration of a function made of a finite number of pieces if (local) then begin ;Literal interpretation of the function ;Calculate the locations of the start and end of the interval that will go into each output point minloc1=(value_locate(ix,ix-wid1))>0L maxloc1=(value_locate(ix,ix+wid1)+1L)<;(nx-2L) minloc0=(value_locate(ix,ix-wid0))>0L maxloc0=(value_locate(ix,ix+wid0)+1L)<;(nx-2L) ;The integral is of y(x)*g(x-x0)*dx, with y(x)=c0+c1*x ;Terms to calculate c0 and c1, coefficients of y(x)=c0+c1*x y1=iy[1:nx-1] & y0=iy[0:nx-2] & x1=ix[1:nx-1] & x0=ix[0:nx-2] c0=(y0*x1-y1*x0)/(x1-x0) c1=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0) ;Integral of the first term (c0*g(x-x0)*dx) w=where((maxloc0 gt minloc0),nw) ret0=dblarr(nx) for i=0,nw-1 do begin j=w[i] xl=ix[j] rng=lindgen(maxloc0[j]-minloc0[j]+1)+minloc0[j] x0l=(x0[rng]-xl)/sqrt(a) x1l=(x1[rng]-xl)/sqrt(a) d=(c0+c1*xl)[rng] ret0[j]=total(d*(erf(x1l)-erf(x0l))) ;ret0[j]+=total(d*(gauss_pdf(x1l)-gauss_pdf(x0l))) endfor ;Integral of the second term (c1*x*g(x-x0)*dx) w=where((maxloc1 gt minloc1),nw) ret1=dblarr(nx) for i=0,nw-1 do begin j=w[i] xl=ix[j] rng=lindgen(maxloc1[j]-minloc1[j]+1)+minloc1[j] x0l=(x0[rng]-xl)/sqrt(a) x1l=(x1[rng]-xl)/sqrt(a) ret1[j]+=total(c1[rng]*(exp(-x0l^2)-exp(-x1l^2))) endfor ret=g*0.5d0*(sqrt(!dpi*a)*ret0+a*ret1) ;ret=g*(ret0+0.5d0*a*ret1) endif else begin ;Calculate the locations of the start and end of the interval that will go into each output point xstart=[ix[0]-(ix[1]-ix[0])/2d0,(ix[0:nx-2]+ix[1:nx-1])/2d0] xend=[xstart[1:nx-1],ix[nx-1]+(ix[nx-1]-ix[nx-2])/2d0] minloc0=(value_locate(xstart,xstart-wid0))>0L maxloc0=(value_locate(xend,xend+wid0)+1L)<;(nx-1L) ;The integral is of y(x)*g(x-x0)*dx, with y(x)=c0 xsig=ix/sqrt(a/2d0) ;x normalized by the Gaussian standard deviation xstartsig=xstart/sqrt(a/2d0) ;x normalized by the Gaussian standard deviation xendsig=xend/sqrt(a/2d0) ;x normalized by the Gaussian standard deviation w=where((maxloc0 gt minloc0),nw) ret=dblarr(nx) for i=0L,nw-1 do begin j=w[i] ret[j]+=total(iy[minloc0[j]:maxloc0[j]]*(gauss_pdf(xendsig[minloc0[j]:maxloc0[j]]-xsig[j])-gauss_pdf(xstartsig[minloc0[j]:maxloc0[j]]-xsig[j]))) endfor endelse endif if (~local) then begin ;Calculate the start and en of each output point xstart=[ix[0]-(ix[1]-ix[0])/2d0,(ix[0:nx-2]+ix[1:nx-1])/2d0] xend=[xstart[1:nx-1],ix[nx-1]+(ix[nx-1]-ix[nx-2])/2d0] ;Create xbox and ybox arrays, with constant y values spanning the start and end of each x point if (arg_present(xbox) || arg_present(ybox)) then begin nix=n_elements(ix) xbox=dblarr(2L*nix) & ybox=dblarr(2L*nix) xbox[0:*:2]=xstart & xbox[1:*:2]=xend ybox[0:*:2]=iy & ybox[1:*:2]=iy endif endif return,ret end